Monday, February 20, 2017

Creative Presence

 “I could use all the words in our vocabulary to tell you about the eternal silence of God that dwells within our innermost being, the silence of pure creation. I could say how important that silence is because in it you hear your own name spoken clearly and unmistakably for the first time. You come to know who you are. Yet all these words would fail to convey the experience itself -- an experience of unself-conscious liberty in the creative presence of God.” From John Main OSB, “All You Have to Do is Begin,” WORD MADE FLESH (Norwich: Canterbury, 2009), pp. 52-54.

Monday, February 13, 2017


“[T]he challenge for us is not to reject the world nor to reject ourselves. The challenge is to learn to sacrifice. To sacrifice we offer something to God, and in the Jewish law it is the whole thing that was offered. It was called a holocaust. Nothing was kept back. Everything was given to God. That is what our meditation does to our life.” From John Main OSB, “The Accuracy of Sacrifice,” MOMENT OF CHRIST (New York: Continuum, 1998). -- Feel free to join us Monday evening.